
Citrus Springs Master Homeowners Association
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Fence Design Criteria

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THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION is made this, the 5th day of November 2015, by CITRUS SPRINGS MASTER HOMEOWNER ASSOIATION, INC., a Florida not-for-profit corporation, Board of Directors referred to as the " Board."

WHEREAS, Citrus Springs Master Homeowners Association, Inc. is a homeowner’s association located in Indian River County, Florida subject to the Declarations of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, which is recorded in the Official Records of Indian River County, Book 1404, Page 0770, et. seq.; and

1. Upon Motion and a second thereof and after being brought up for discussion and finally to vote of the Board, the following Resolution was approved and adopted by a majority of members of the Board in attendance at the above meeting where a quorum was established:

2. All fence requests must have written approval by the Subdivision (Village) Board of Directors prior to approval by the Master Board of Directors.

3. All fences must have the written approval of the Board of Directors of Citrus Springs Master Association, Inc. Prior to installation, which may be withheld for any reason.

4. The height of the fence can be no greater than four (4) feet.

5. The fence material must be dark bronze aluminum.

6. The fence can only be placed in the rear of the house, not extending past the side exterior walls of the house. No fence is allowed in or on the Surface Water or Storm Water Management System easement.

7. Any portion of a fence that is facing street side must be concealed with bushes.

8. The fence must be installed by a licensed and insured contractor with a county permit.

9. Fences four (4) feet high will be allowed around pool decks.

10. The area (grass) inside the fence and 10" outside of the fence will be the responsibility of the homeowner to cut and maintain.

11. A survey of the property will be submitted to the Board. The Survey will include; lot size; position of house on lot, size and position of the fence to be constructed, along with any easement the rear of the property.

12. Work must be completed within six months of approval letter.

Signatures, seals, and stamps were removed for clarity