
Citrus Springs Master Homeowners Association
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Storage Lot Rules (Rev 06-22-2023)

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Storage Lot Rules (Rev 06-22-2023)


  1. Each property address within the Citrus Springs PUD may request one storage spot in the
    storage lot. Two items are the most that can be put in one spot, if they fit without obstructing
    the middle common area.
  2. Storage is limited to the resident owner(s) of the property. Items allowed are Trailers (with
    or without a boat), Travel Trailers and Motor Homes.
  3. A property owner whose property is leased is not entitled to store an item in the lot.
  4. Tenants are not entitled to store an item in the lot.
  5. The Owner must live at the property at least 4 months during the year. (Driver’s License
    and Utility Bills will be used to validate this requirement) and Storage Item must be in the
    Storage Lot at least 4 months during the year.
  6. The Citrus Springs Master Board of Directors reserves the right to deny storage for any item
    it deems inappropriate or incompatible for the lot.


  1. The annual fee shall be $50.00 per item and is payable before any item is stored in the lot
    and due by July 1st of each subsequent year that the item is stored in the lot. There shall be
    no pro rating of the fee. These fees may be adjusted by the Board of Directors as they
    deem necessary.
  2. Only the person assigned a space in the lot will be issued a key.
  3. If the annual fee is not paid by the due date, the item will be removed from the lot at the
    owner’s expense and the space assigned to the next person on the wait list.


  1. The size and layout of the lot can only provide 37 spaces. These spaces are located and
    designed to accommodate three different size items.
  2. Each size space shall have its own wait list, designated as “A”, “B” and “C”. The Director in
    Charge will assign each item to a wait list based on the size and type of the item. No item
    can be on more than one wait list.
  3. To be placed on one of the wait lists, the resident must own the item; i.e., have a current
    registration that has their Citrus Springs Address
  4. Spaces will be assigned on a first come first served basis, for each list.
  5. Once a space is assigned the item owner has 30 days to occupy the space. If it remains
    unoccupied after this period, the Director in Charge may assign it to the next requestor on
    the wait list.


  1. Resident items stored must have a valid State Registration with the Citrus Springs Address.
  2. HOA Villages can store a box trailer for storing Village items; e.g., Christmas decorations,
    files, etc. without registering the trailer. They will be subject to all other lot rules and fees.
  3. The responsible HOA Director will do periodic inspections of the lot. Any item found with an
    expired registration will be investigated and the owner contacted. The owner will have 14
    days to acquire a current registration. After that the item will be removed from the lot and
    the owner will be banned from 0btaining another storage space.


  1. Once a stored item is no longer being stored in the lot, the owner must immediately notify
    the HOA. (If this rule is not adhered to, the resident will be banned from getting another
    spot.) If an applicant wishes to keep the space to store an item of similar size and type, he
    may do so if he/she obtains the item within 2 weeks of removing the original one.
  2. If an item is going to be taken from the lot temporarily for a period more than 30 days, the
    storage owner must notify the HOA.
  3. If a spot is available for an extended period due to travel of the owner, the spot can be
    given to a resident, meeting the eligibility requirements, until the original owner returns.
    The space assignment is at the discretion of the Occupant and the Director in Charge. A
    fee of $50 will be charged and a key will be issued.
  4. The owner must have Insurance for the Item.
  5. An item owner who has an item removed from the lot by the Board of Directors for any
    reason will be banned from obtaining another storage spot.
  6. The owners of items in the storage lot are responsible for any damages they cause to other
    items stored in the lot or to the storage lot.
  7. Owners must securely lock the gate when they leave the lot unless there is another
    authorized person in the lot.
  8. Items may only be parked in their assigned spaces and may not block access to other
    spaces in any way.
  9. The entrance gate must be kept free of obstructions at all times.
  10. Item owners are responsible for keeping their assigned spaces clean.
  11. No flammable or explosive substances may be stored in the lot other than materials
    associated with the item; e.g., attached propane tanks and boat gas tanks.
  12. No trash, vegetation or other garbage may be stored in the lot.
  13. Only the approved item(s) may be stored in the lot.
  14. Item owners are required to maintain the item they store in the lot. Any item owner who
    allows their item to deteriorate, or become unsightly will be asked to improve the item or
    remove it.
  15. No mechanical repairs are permitted in the RV lot.
  16. Item owners are responsible for any substances that they spill on the ground in the lot and
    for any expense necessary to meet environmental standards.
  17. The Citrus Springs Master Board of Directors reserves the right to ban anyone who violates
    these rules.

I have read and understand the rules listed above and agree to abide by them. I also understand
and agree that I am using the storage lot at my own risk. I understand and agree that the
Citrus Springs Master Homeowners Association makes no claims as to the security or safety of the
lot and is not responsible for any damage to, or theft of, any item stored in the lot.

I understand and agree that any misrepresentation of my personal information including address,
registration may result in the Citrus Springs Master Board of Directors denying my application or
removing my item from the lot at my expense. (Revised 06/22/2023)

Signatures, seals, and stamps were removed for clarity