
Citrus Springs Master Homeowners Association
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Citrus Springs Architectural Review

Citrus Springs Master Architectural Review Criteria

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In accordance with Article 10 of the Declarations of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of Citrus Springs. This Architectural and Landscape document, in conjunction with Article 10 of the Declarations, outlines the objectives, and the standards that the ARC will use to apply architectural controls within Citrus Springs. In addition, Article 10 “Architectural Controls” of the CC&R’s gives power to the Master Association to enforce these restrictions.

"The main objective of the ARC is to make Citrus Springs a pleasant, comfortable place to live, promoting a sense of community while maintaining a pleasing and marketable curb appeal, which includes the consistency in architectural style, scale, materials, and details. The primary duty shall be to supervise and control the external design, appearance, location, and maintenance of all improvements on the property and all landscaping additions. When making any decision, the ARC will consider such things as the location of the home, the effect on neighboring homes and the overall impact on the aesthetics of the community."

Each individual Village will have its own Restrictions and Guidelines which may or may not be included on the Master List.

ARC Review process: There is a combined Citrus Springs Master/Village Homeowners Association Architectural Review Committee’s Application on the Citrus Springs Master Web Site. Click here to download This application can be used for both Village and Master ARC submissions. Not all applications require Master ARC approval. All Master ARC requests must be previously approved by the by the applicant’s Village ARC. Your Village ARC’s Chairman will submit your application to the Master ARC if their approval is required.

The following pages are a list of items which require Master ARC approval only after the individual village has reviewed and approved the application.


Type of Improvement

Note: Village ARC approval is required before the Master ARC will consider your application for review.


Awnings of any kind shall not be installed outside the house structure and may only be installed within the interior of the Patio/Screen Enclosures.

A submission for an awning should contain the proposed materials, colors and location of the awnings. Awning type shall be a roll down and must be rolled up when not in use. (SunSetter or another similar type)

Awning will fall under the same length restrictions as the poly roof criteria.



Driveway extensions shall not extend beyond the front outside width of the garage structure.

Materials used for driveway, sidewalk or pathway additions must be pavers that match the driveway in color and design.

Concrete driveway extensions may be concrete or pavers.

In cases where driveways are concrete, pavers must be installed on all walkway additions. Paver style and size should match types in that community.



All exterior changes or structural modifications such as additions to the structure, modifications, additions or removal of windows, doors or any structural elements will require Village and Master approval. The Owner is responsible for all required county permits.


Requires Village Board Approval

Requires Master Board Approval

See Master Association Fence Criteria



Per Master CC&R; Section 10.4.14 No burning of wood, leaves, trash or garbage permitted.


Replacement of the garage door shall be similar to the removed door. No glass window inserts are allowed.



Whole house generators are permitted, but specifications should be submitted to the ARC, including decibel level, the size of the unit, fuel type and the amount of recharging required and the location of the generator.

All generators must be installed on a permanent slab.

Landscape shrubbery shall be installed to hide or lessen the view of the equipment.

Time to complete installation will be (1) one year from date of approval.



The enclosure of an existing covered porch/lanai which is part of the original block construction is allowed.

Design and specifications of materials used must be submitted.



Requires Village Board Approval `

Requires Master Board Approval

All plantings being used as a fence line must follow the Master Association Fence Criteria. Plantings must not exceed 5 feet in height. Plantings must not be planted in swale areas or in the rear common area.

Plants on the Florida Invasive Species list are not allowed to be used in Citrus Springs. A Florida Invasive Species list can be downloaded from the Citrus Springs Master Web Site.


To avoid hitting a utility call 811 before digging. It’s the law.


Removable galvanized steel, or aluminum panels, roll down, side sliding, or accordion hurricane shutters are permitted.

Accordion, roll down, and side sliding shutters must be white or the color of the house, or its trim color.



Requires Master Board Approval

Plants on the Florida Invasive Species list are not allowed to be used in Citrus Springs. Click here for a list of Florida Invasive Species.


To avoid hitting a utility call 811 before digging. It’s the law.


If the screen is being installed under the roof line, only village approval is required. This includes front entrance screens enclosures.


See Patio/Screen Enclosures



[See Poly-Roofs Criteria](#Poly Screen)


Plans and specifications for a pool or spa, as prepared by the pool contractor, should be submitted to the ARC and should include any proposed permanent fencing, which must comply with the Master ARC fence guidelines. Indian River County has specific rules governing swimming pool fence enclosures.

Hot tubs/spas should be located in a manner to be the least obtrusive and the least view able from neighboring lots, preferably within the porch/lanai area.

NO above ground pools will be allowed.



All roofs must be shingled or tiled and must match or be similar to existing colors.

Shingled roofing material can be Asphalt Dimensional or Aluminum Shingles. Aluminum shingles must look like asphalt shingles. Shingles manufactured by "Decra" and from their "Shingle XD" Series will be approved. Aluminum shingles from other manufacturers will be considered if the look like the "Decra Shingle XD”

No seam metal roofing allowed.



Must meet all Indian River County permit requirements



Solar panels should look like an integrated part of the roof design and mounted directly to the roof plane.

Shall not be installed on the ground or in common areas

Meet all Indian River County permit requirements



Meet all Indian River County permit requirements



Walkways/ pathways may not exceed 36 inches (3 feet) in width.

Variances may be made for necessary accommodations.



Meet all Indian River County permit requirements




a. Plans must be not less than 1/8” – 1” scale. Plans must show the elevation of the ground on all sides of the proposed structure as it will exist after the modification.

b. Plans should include a list of proposed materials and samples of exterior materials and finishes which cannot be described with request.

The owner and or the contractor is responsible for obtaining an Indian River County permit where applicable. Permits must be posted on the outside of home during the project construction and installation process.

The number to call for general permitting questions is (772) 226-1260. There's also a contact form that can be used to send an email. http://www.ircgov.com/forms


1. All fence requests must have written approval of the Subdivision (Village) Board of Directors prior to approval by the Master Board of Directors.

2. All fences must have the written approval of the Board of Directors of Citrus Springs Master Association, Inc. Prior to installation, which may be withheld for any reason.

3. The height of the fence can be no greater than four (4) feet.

4. The fence material must be dark bronze aluminum.

5. The fence can only be placed in the rear of the house, not extending past the side exterior walls of the house. No fence is allowed in or on the Surface Water or Storm Water Management System easement.

6. Any portion of a fence that is facing street side must be concealed with bushes.

7. The fence must be installed by a licensed and insured contractor with a county permit.

8. Fences four (4) feet high will be allowed around pool decks.

9. The area (grass) inside the fence and 10" outside of the fence will be the responsibility of the homeowner to cut and maintain.

10. A Survey of the property will be submitted to the Board. The Survey will include; lot size; the position of the house on lot, size, and position of the fence to be constructed, along with any easement at the rear of the property.

11. Work must be completed within six months of the approval letter.


1. Screen Enclosures – defined as an enclosure extending outward from the perimeter of the home surrounding a pool or an extended patio.

2. The location and the size of the enclosure will be determined based on a review of the lot survey and shall be considerate of setback lines, easements, and location of neighboring structures.

3. Screening material will be charcoal or black in color.

4. A proposed patio/lanai cover should complement the materials and colors of the home.

5. Plans and specifications including a site plan showing the location of the patio cover and distances to Lot boundary lines, easements, and other structures on the Lot, materials, colors, and elevations should be submitted to the ARC.

6. A landscape plan to soften the appearance of the enclosure must be submitted at time of application

Enclosing of side walls under poly roofs or any screen enclosure is strictly prohibited. Temporary, semi-permanent or permanent walls are not allowed.


1. Play structures that are permitted to be permanently installed (anchored in cement) on Lots are limited to swing sets and basketball hoops. Swing sets are to be at the rear of the house Prohibited structures include but are not limited to swing sets with platforms, decks, or the like; platforms; raised forts; decks; and trampolines.

2. Temporary "bounce house" structures are permitted; however, they are to be removed after use, and under no circumstances are to be installed permanently or remain on a lot for more than 72 hours. The location of the temporary installation is restricted, and the bounce house may only be in the backyard of the home.

3. No swing sets or other permanently installed play structure may be installed on any Lot without the prior written consent of the Village Architectural Committee and the Master Association Architectural Committee, the approval of which may be withheld for any reason.

4. The grass area inside the swing set and one (1) foot around the swing set area will be maintained by the homeowner. That means the homeowner is responsible for cutting and weeding the grass.

5. A survey of the property shall be submitted to the ARC for review. The survey must include the size of the Lot, position of the home on the Lot, size and position of the swing set to be installed, along with any easements on the property.


There are options for adding a solid roof when a screen enclosure exists or is planned to be built. Multi wall Aluminum Poly carbonate Roofing Panels* can be used to create a partial roof. The Guidelines are as follows:

1. When adding a screen enclosure addition to the home, a poly-roof can be installed between the existing home and the top of the screen enclosure. The depth of the poly -roof cannot be greater than 33% of the depth of the entire addition with a maximum depth of 10'. (For example, if you are adding a 24 ' addition, the poly-roof maximum is 8'. If you are adding a 33'addition, the poly­ roof maximum is 10').

2. If there is an existing screen enclosure already attached to the house, a poly-roof can be installed under the screen enclosure. It must attach to the existing home and cannot extend deeper than 50% of the existing screen enclosure. It can be made as wide as the existing screen enclosure.

3. Poly-roof panels must be white, bronze or translucent.

* Variances may be approved if the applicant can show just cause.

ARC Applications that include poly-roofing are subject to the same ARC guidelines as other exterior changes; i.e., they must meet the county permit guidelines and be approved by the sub-association ARC and the Master Association ARC. (NOTE: The sub-association ARC may have more restrictive rules regarding poly-roofs).

Enclosing of side walls under poly roofs or any screen enclosure is strictly prohibited. Temporary, semi-permanent or permanent walls are not allowed. Creating additional living space by enclosing the Poly Roof area is not allowed by Indian River County

Master/Village ARC Application Form

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Please download the above PDF document and return to your village ARC for processing.